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Non-Profit Associations (ASBL, AISBL, Fondations)
Guilmot & Bassine has a decades-long commitment to assist large international nonprofit organizations located in Brussels where thousands of such are vested. Our assistance covers not only usual issues such as governance, contracts and tax but also EU and governmental investigations or adjudications, transactions involving merger/consolidation of organizations or acquisition or joint-ventures.
NPOs very often require us to review the consistency of their Articles and bylaws with applicable state law or to negotiate important agreements, to assist in contract termination, enforce contract requirements, to negotiate settlements and release claims.
We also advise our clients to ensure they stay compliant with privacy laws and help in formulating adequate agreements as to the development of their websites.
Guilmot & Bassine generally provides the full range of legal services to NPOs including leasing, acquiring, selling real estate ownership, professional liability, commercial and general liability insurance, certification, technology, intellectual property, employment, tax, mergers, etc.
In case of conflict, Guilmot & Bassine makes a point of producing an up-front realistic and commercial assessment or risk analysis of the case for the management, prior to advising the association on whether it is better sorted out at trial or resolved in an alternative manner.