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Failure to comply with EU or national competition law, whether through anti-competitive agreements or mergers or by abusing a dominant market position can result in high fines and other enforcement of imperative rules.
Provisions of agreements which breach certain competition rules are void and unenforceable which may lead to the entire agreement being unenforceable.
It is thus vital to determine whether a commercial deal is capable of being found to be anti-competitive (direct or indirect fixation of purchase or selling prices or other trading conditions, limiting production, agreement aiming at sharing the market or sources of supply, application of dissimilar conditions to similar transactions placing other trading parties at a disadvantage, etc.).
Whether in the case of allegations of breach or if they themselves are victims of anti-competition behavior from competitors, we offer our clients pragmatic legal assistance throughout the competition investigation lifecycle.
We also actively support, partner and constantly accompany our clients during the full process when it is deemed necessary to notify mergers and obtain clearance from regulators.